I’m here to make a very special invitation:
On September 8th, we will have a physical and energetic experience that can help you with many issues and areas of your life. Based on Reichian psychology, the workshop MUSCLES AND EMOTIONS will help you to release the armor from your entire body, through specific and focused movements. All of our emotions, pains, traumas, fears, insecurities, which have somehow been repressed and misunderstood, are stored in our muscles, thus creating what we call armor, that is, energetic blockages that prevent us from flowing with life. Together we will experience and explore: Body, mind and soul. It will be incredible! I’ll be waiting for you! Creator: Gisele S. Oliveira
Instagram: @gisellescalianteoliver
Creator’s phone number for questions: (16) 99294-1042
Reservations until 08/31/2024
Investment: BRL 60.00
or Gisele Scaliante de Oliveira – PIX: 365.668.568-11
About Gisele S. Oliveira:
Graduated in Physical Education – Personal Trainer – Psychoanalyst
Postgraduate in Neuropsychopedagogy
Postgraduate in Psychiatry, Mental Health and Psychopharmacology
Certified by the Phaneros Institute in Psychedelics and Mental Health
Body and Behavioral
Thetahealer (energetic technique for changing mindset and beliefs)
Couples therapist
Tarot reader and Shamanic Reiki Master